Ministry Partners
We are called to be a compelling force for good in the world as we join Jesus in the restoration of all things.
Led by the Spirit, we serve God, others and creation, sharing the Story of Jesus, and caring for the poor and marginalized. We strategically focus on environmental stewardship, at-risk women, children and families both locally and globally.
Local Partners
Creative Interfaces produces unique learning environments that awaken creativity and foster personal development. We partner together to do this work in a beautiful variety of ways and locations including Second Saturdays, Storyline Readings, outdoor concerts and the incorporation of special creative elements in our Sunday Gatherings.
A transitional home for single mothers in need started by BayMarin in 1999 which provides women and children a safe environment in which to live and provide mothers with skills and support. We continue our partnership and investment in Gilead House through regular engagement with the moms and children and year-round events and fundraisers.
MFCA exists to achieve consistent, safe, quality care for the well being of all foster children by providing support services and advocacy to Foster and Adoptive Families. BayMarin supports MFCA in their mission by participating in supply drives and fundraising events that support their work.
Global Partners
Glocal because Be2Live functions both locally and globally to bring the Kingdom here and now in our midst. We partner with Be2Live to empower students in Marin to travel to Mexico to work alongside orphans and give a voice to the voiceless.
Plant With Purpose exists to revitalize the environment, economy and spirituality among the global rural poor. We partner with Plant With Purpose to support the restoration efforts in the village of San Isidro Trementina in the Mixteca Alta region of Oaxaca, Mexico. This is the poorest region in Mexico and we get to be a part of what God is doing in their midst by providing the needed assistance for the necessary development to take place to bring holistic revitalization to this village.
Past Projects
Ukrainian Relief - “Welcome Home”
In April 2022, a door opened for us as a church to respond to the crisis in Ukraine and its people. BayMarin’s office and student building was originally built as a rectory so it was ideally suited for hosting these Ukrainian families needing a safe, temporary place to land.
This was a ministry much larger than any single Church, and we’ve been honored to
partner with multiple non-profits and faith communities in Marin County.
The video below beautifully encapsulates all that we,
with God’s great blessings and grace, accomplished.
We are handing over the reins of our Ukrainian Relief Program to volunteer Jami Coulter and her newly founded non-profit, Nightingale Refugee Relief. Please support our Ukrainian friends.